Chasing Beautiful Light, Finding Scorching Heat

This weekend was the annual fundraiser for Photographic Center Northwest (PCNW.) Called “Chase the Light” this is a fun event where the participating photographers all take the photos at the same time. It happens over…

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The Last Goodbye – RIP Chase

Some sad news to report. Today, Chase lost his brave battle with cancer. After a particularly difficult night, I made the decision earlier today to put him down. He was 13 years old and pretty…

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A Carnival of New Lights

BlueAndOrange_5581, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld. So, recently I purchased some new lights for my home studio. I went out and got myself a set of Fiilex P360 LED studio lights. These are dense matrix LEDs…

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Swirls of Color and Stealing Light

TidalDance2854-2, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld. This is one of those shots I had forgotten I’d taken. This was from on the beach in Kona back when I was there last, in May of last year.…

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Taking Chase/Cheesy Treasure

JumpingChase, originally uploaded by carolWorldLeader. I know, I know, I haven’t been blogging that much lately. Call off the hounds, stop the search, bring back the choppers, I was just busy. You see, I have…

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