It was One Heck of a Gigantic Cream Puff

I admit it. When it comes to French pastries, I don’t know my Religieuse from my Madeleines. Don’t get me wrong, I love these pastries as much as the next connoisseur, I just don’t know…

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So You Want to Join the Funky New Twitter/X Space for Artists?

I’ve been toying around the idea of starting a recurring Twitter/X Space for Artists and Photographers. The time has come, folks, the time has come! I realize I have a lot of friends who are…

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Advice on Getting Your Work to the Next Level

Recently, I shared some advice on getting your work to the next level. The good folks over at North Austin Pfotography Society (NAPFS) invited me to speak about artist marketing and advancing as a photographer.…

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Chase the Light was Right Off the Hook

Chase the Light, the annual fundraiser for Photographic Center Northwest (PCNW) in Seattle, had a big opening reception and sale. It’s a wrap! Happy to say that this year Chase the Light was right off…

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Opportunity List – Places That Want Your Work Right Now

Cool beans, it’s time for another Opportunity List. It’s been a while since my last one so I thought I would do another. Here are some places that want your art and photography right now:…

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