Chase the Light was Right Off the Hook

Chase the Light, the annual fundraiser for Photographic Center Northwest (PCNW) in Seattle, had a big opening reception and sale. It’s a wrap! Happy to say that this year Chase the Light was right off…

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Happy Valentine’s Day – Love is in the Air?

Happy Valentine’s Day! Love is in the air today. Can you feel it? It’s a day to spend some time with that special someone. Don’t forget to buy those flowers and enjoy a little surprise.…

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It’s Time to be a Canvas Rebel

Some happy news to share. Recently, I sat down with the good folks over at Canvas Rebel for a new interview. Canvas Rebel is one of my favorite publications. I love reading about all kinds…

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Some Sad News to Share about Dad

Some sad news to share. For those of you who haven’t heard yet, last week my Dad passed. He was just shy of his 91st birthday. He had been fighting a few minor illnesses off,…

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The Medium is the Message

Some brief news to share as I celebrate joining Medium and an image from Big Sur, California …

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