You Say It’s Your Birthday – Happy 25!

For those following along with my “Borrowed Garden” series, these are images taken at the Hill Country Water Gardens in Cedar Park, Texas. The borrowed garden is a favorite spot of mine to take pictures.…

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Trumpet Player of Sorts

I shot this over at the ponds. In case it’s not obvious, this was looking straight down into the water. The light was hitting the pond water, making for some interesting colors and reflections. I…

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Orange You Glad You Are Not a Koi

  With the recent storms and winter weather in Texas came some bad news. It seems some of our wildlife did not make it. There was a zoo in Houston that lost a lot of…

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Water Flower

  Today’s image is a single image of a water flower. I’ve been working on a bit of a series called the “Borrowed Garden.” The idea behind a borrowed garden is that the garden is…

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I (Don’t) Go Chasing Waterfalls

    OK, I admit it. Time for me to ‘fess up! I’m not a waterfall girl. Now, I know waterfalls are *very* popular with photographers. When I say, “very popular,” I mean they are…

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