Advice on Getting Your Work to the Next Level

Recently, I shared some advice on getting your work to the next level. The good folks over at North Austin Pfotography Society (NAPFS) invited me to speak about artist marketing and advancing as a photographer.…

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Opportunity List – Places That Want Your Work Right Now

Cool beans, it’s time for another Opportunity List. It’s been a while since my last one so I thought I would do another. Here are some places that want your art and photography right now:…

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Opportunity List – Places that Want Your Work Right Now

It’s time for an opportunity list! Here are some places that want your work right now: Since my last list, a lot of calls have been published. There really are a lot of calls out…

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Opportunity List – Places That Want Your Art

It’s a new year and time for some new opportunities. Let’s smoke it in 2024! OK, I admit that was a stretch but, let’s face it, you don’t come here for the puns, right? (Right?)…

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Framing Your Work? Here are some Helpful Resources

So, you’ve gone out into the wild, took lots of great images, and now you’re back in civilization ready to show them all in that wonderful gallery space. Ah, but first you have to frame…

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