It’s time for an opportunity list! Here are some places that want your work right now:
- Round Rock Arts has a call for their upcoming IMAGINE 2024 exhibition. This is a wonderful exhibition in a fantastic venue. It’s all media, 2D and 3D work. Here are the details: https://roundrockarts.org/imagine-2024/
- The Colorado Photographic Arts Center has a call for entry for their annual members show. You can find more details and enter your work here: https://cpacphoto.org/members-show-cfe-2024/
- LoosenArt has a call for “Nature Exposed.” This is a free entry and is slated to include photography, digital media, and video. You can find entry information on their website: https://www.loosenart.com/pages/calls
- Black Box Gallery has a call for their upcoming exhibition entitled “Field Work: Trees and Water.” You can find entry information here: https://blackboxgallery.com/Field%20Work-Trees%20and%20Water-2024%20CFE.html
- It’s hip to be square! Decode Gallery has a call for entries for their upcoming photography exhibition called “Square Photography Exhibition.” You can find details and entry information on their site here: https://www.decodegallery.com/square-call-for-entry
- BBA from Berlin has an all media call for entries for their upcoming online exhibition. You can find entry information here: https://bba-prizes.com/online-exhibition
- The Center for Fine Art Photography has a call for their upcoming exhibition exploring the theme “Words and Pictures.” You can find more information here: https://c4fap.org/call-for-entry
- The Ten Moir Gallery has a call for their upcoming all media show exploring the theme “Illusions and Enigmas.” You can find more information, including entry details here: https://tenmoirgallery.com/illusions-and-enigmas-online-art-competition-2024/
- The Daylight Photo Awards are open for submissions: https://www.daylightphotoawards.com/
- The Saint Augustine Art Association has a call for entries exploring the theme “History Through the Lens of Architecture.” Additional details along with entry information is available on their site: https://www.staaa.org/cfa-history-through-the-lens-of-architecture/
- The Royal Photographic Society has a call for entries for their upcoming International Photography Exhibition. This is for photographers and image makers and you can find additional details here: https://rps.org/exhibitions/ipe-166/
- The Blue Koi Gallery has an open call for solo exhibitions. This is all media and you can find additional details here: https://koisartistaward.com/solo-art-exhibition-open-call/
- Gallerium has a call for entries for their upcoming show Elysium – 2024. According to the website, this show, “Explore[s] the state of serenity and unveil your artistic Elysium.” You can find additional details here: https://www.gallerium.art/p/elysium.html
- Southern Tier Center has an upcoming exhibition exploring the them “Where the Heart is: The Art of Home.” You can find additional information, including entry details on their website here: https://www.southerntierartists.com/
- LightSpaceTime has an all media call for their upcoming “Seascapes” themed exhibition. You can find entry information at this link: https://lightspacetime.art/14th-annual-seascapes-online-art-competition-2024/
- Pittsburgh State University has a call for exhibition proposals. You can find info on their link: https://www.pittstate.edu/art/_files/documents/gallerycallforproposals2425.pdf
- The New York Center for Photographic Arts has a call for their upcoming exhibition exploring the theme “Decay, Corrosion, Rust.” You can find details on their entry page: https://www.nyc4pa.com/copy-of-the-human-body
- Art Square Gallery has a call for photography for their upcoming “Monochrome Moments” exhibition. You can find entry details here: https://www.artsquareny.com/open-calls
- ViewPoint Gallery has a call for their upcoming International Photography Competition. You can find additional details here: https://www.viewpointgallery.ca/vpipc-submission-guidelines-2024
- PhotoPlace Gallery has a call for photography for their upcoming exhibition exploring the theme “A Sense of Place.” For entry details, go here: https://photoplacegallery.com/online-juried-shows/a-sense-of-place-2/detail
- Chateau Gallery has a call for photography for their upcoming “The Art of Street Photography” exhibition: https://chateaugallery.com/the-art-of-street-photography-submission-form
- Southeast Center for Photography has a call for their upcoming exhibition “Color.” You can find entry details on their website: https://www.sec4p.com/color-24-prospectus
Since my last list, a lot of calls have been published. There really are a lot of calls out right now, it’s almost shocking. I could probably do an entire additional list, but hopefully this is enough to get you started.
Until next time…
Love this list and the tips. Fantastic gift to artists. Thank you!