It’s a new year and time for some new opportunities. Let’s smoke it in 2024! OK, I admit that was a stretch but, let’s face it, you don’t come here for the puns, right? (Right?)
Here we go:
- For those local to Texas, the Georgetown Art Center has their annual open call for exhibition proposals open. You can read more about it here: https://georgetownartcenter.submittable.com/submit
- Decode Gallery has a call for entry exploring the theme “Color.” This one is for photographers and you can submit your work here: https://www.decodegallery.com/color
- PhotoPlace Gallery has a call for their exhibition entitled “Quiet Landscapes.” You can find more information and submit your work here: https://photoplacegallery.com/
- The Chateau Gallery has a call for photographic work exploring the theme “The Beauty in Decay.” You can find details on their website here: https://chateaugallery.com/call-for-entries
- Part Crowd Art Gallery in Toronto has an all media call for their upcoming show exploring the theme “The Divorce.” This intriguing call can be seen here: https://www.partcrowd.com/opencalls
- Light Space & Time Gallery has an online all media call for their upcoming online exhibition “Botanicals.” You can find information including how to enter your work on their website: https://lightspacetime.art/14th-annual-botanicals-online-art-competition-2024/
- Texas Photo Society has a call for their National Photography Award. You can find more information and enter your work at their link: https://texasphoto.org/2024-tps-national-photography-award-1
- All About Photo has a call for their upcoming “The Mind’s Eye.” You can find the details here: https://www.all-about-photo.com/all-about-photo-contest.php?cid=82
- Gallery Omnibus has an all media call exploring the theme “Happiness.” You can find details for their happy exhibition here: https://www.gallery-omnibus.com/opencalls/happiness—the-virtual-3d-exhibition
- Praxis Gallery has a call for photographers for their upcoming “Black and White” exhibition. You can find entry information on their site here: https://www.praxisphotocenter.org/calls-for-entry
- LA Center of Photography has a call for their upcoming exhibition called “Expand and Contract.” This is actually a mixed media exhibition and you can submit your work here: https://lacphoto.org/exhibition/expand-and-contract/
- CENTER Santa Fe has their annual calls for entry open. These are project awards and other exhibition opportunities and grants for photographers. You can find more details here: https://centersantafe.org/callsforentry
- FotoFest in Houston is happening this year (it’s every other year.) As part of this, they are having their annual portfolio review. Called “Meeting Place” registration is now open for this. You can find details including reviewers and information on how to secure a place at the table on their site here: https://fotofest.org/meeting-place-2024
That’s a bunch of opportunities for you. Sorry, you will have to supply your own puns. Here’s wishing 2024 is a new year filled with great opportunities for us all.
Until next time…