No Passport Required – It’s a Great Global Odyssey Podcast

Recently, I completed an interesting podcast discussion about my background, my travels, motivation, photography, and all that goes into Carol’s Little World. This one is an interesting conversation about my work and I found it…

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It’s Time for YouTube Coffee with Carol

Recently, I’d been going over my finances and I realized that I was spending a bit too much on Zoom. A while back, I recorded a bunch of art sessions, stored them in my Zoom…

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Finally at the Market, Shockingly It’s Hatch Chile Time

You might recall my recent aversion to going to the market for groceries. Oh, how I sometimes just hate to go to the market. It’s like a kind of rare disease or something, isn’t it?…

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The Podcast from Hell – Complete with Captions and Subtitles

Ah, the things I do to bring you Carol’s Little World, let me tell you, the things I do. Just the other day, I had gotten word of this podcast, it was one of those…

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Hiding from the Gigantic Grocery Store, Cereal, Anyone?

It was a long time ago, but one of my favorite long running topics was my complete lack of ability to get myself anywhere near a grocery store. It happened one day, honestly it did.…

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