Opportunity List – Places That Want Your Work Right Now

Cool beans, it’s time for another Opportunity List. It’s been a while since my last one so I thought I would do another. Here are some places that want your art and photography right now:…

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Opportunity List – Places that Want Your Work Right Now

It’s time for an opportunity list! Here are some places that want your work right now: Since my last list, a lot of calls have been published. There really are a lot of calls out…

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Opportunity List – Places That Want Your Art

It’s a new year and time for some new opportunities. Let’s smoke it in 2024! OK, I admit that was a stretch but, let’s face it, you don’t come here for the puns, right? (Right?)…

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Opportunity List – Places that want Your Artwork now

Here are some opportunities to put your artwork center stage: I hope you’ll consider getting your work out there a bit more. Until next time…

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Opportunity List

It’s been a while since I’ve posted an opportunity weekend or as I now call them “Opportunity List” so I thought I would share. These are some opportunities for artists and photographers looking to showcase…

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