Happy Valentine’s Day! Love is in the air today. Can you feel it? It’s a day to spend some time with that special someone. Don’t forget to buy those flowers and enjoy a little surprise. I hope you get to spend some quality time with someone you love today on this special Valentine’s Day.
For me, I am spending Valentine’s Day prepping for travel, or at least thinking about it. Haven’t started packing yet but the time grows near. Soon, I promise, soon, I will be packing like mad. I did manage to get a haircut today, which was nice. It didn’t really need it but I was a bit fuzzy on the sides so decided it would be best to get it done. It feels a lot better anyway.
This image is from a walk I took in the ponds recently. For those who don’t know, I spend time in a place I call my “Borrowed Garden.” It’s actually a local garden center which is amazing. Often, I find myself walking around there taking photos with my camera and just taking in the plants, ponds, fish, and statues. It’s a wonderful place, I love spending time there. If we’re being honest, my camera is my real Valentine’s special someone. I’m pretty much married to it and enjoy the company as it does not seem to complain.
Lately it seems like I have been thinking about jumping into the dating pool a bit again. It might be nice to find a special someone for myself. Of course, it would have to be somebody who could put up with my camera and all that I do. I’ve been thinking lately how a dinner companion might be nice right about now, although there is always so much on my plate, not sure how I would find the time. I always seem to talk myself out of this, which is fine too. I tend to think it’s good if you can be independent as well. It’s important anyway to be comfortable with yourself no matter your relationship status.
I do hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and get to enjoy it with your special someone if you are so inclined.
Until next time…