In the mood for some monochrome work so sharing that with you today. These are some recent black and white images, mostly architecture as I love to do. Most are from local outings but there is one from Barcelona in the mix. I could not resist bringing the House of Bones into the world of black and white.
I always love doing black and white work, as it reminds me of my days in the darkroom, mixing the chemicals and hoping I would not blow things up (too badly.) It was always fun to work in the darkroom, even if I felt I was never good enough at it. These days, a lot of this (almost all of it really) is done with digital tools, but I still remember.
An interesting thing about monochrome work too is that you can really go wild with it. With color, because there is color in the image, a lot of times it limits you as to how much you can stretch things. Somebody wearing a red shirt? It will go pink on you if you overexpose too much (or the like.) In black and white, you can go to town, making that shirt anything from the blackest black to the whitest white to any shade of grey in the middle. A lot of folks claim this is why it’s a true art form: you can see the hand of the artist so much in the work. As a photographer working in black and white, you can really see the choices, the decisions the photographer got to make along the journey from inception to print.
For many of the same reasons, it can be difficult. The hardest part for me is making up my mind. That can be difficult, believe me. I’m a very wishy-washy artist at times, although I think I can hide that pretty well (after the fact, right?)
Here are some monochrome images featuring the decisions already made. I hope you enjoy them.
Until next time…