Beautiful Under Heaven

  So, I got this idea the other day. I was thinking that it’s been a while since I’ve done a book, even a little Blurb style book. These days, you can do a Blurb…

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Laundry Day – Viva la Clean Cloths!

A lot of the places I visit tend to have something in common. It’s an odd thing, really. I can’t explain why or how, but somehow they all seem to be places where people hang…

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Linking to Longsheng

    These are the Longsheng Rice Terraces, also called the “Dragon’s Backbone” in Longsheng, Guangxi, China. These terraces are about 650 years old and are called the “Dragon’s Backbone” because they are said to…

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Tea & Travel

    You are cordially invited! I know many folks can’t travel right now on account of COVID (bummer!) but we can all travel virtually. You’re invited to join me on my next “trip” (as…

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Those Who Cross Glass Bridges

     There is a saying that, “those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.” While it does not officially say anything about crossing glass bridges, I’m going to go out on a…

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