Opportunity Weekend – August 11, 2018

Night time is the right time for some hot new opportunities. OK, so it makes for a corny introduction but, hey, it’s opportunity weekend, were you really expecting something that was actually funny? Here are…

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Austin Visual Arts Association Summer 2018 Invitation

In the spirit of trying out something new, I thought I would try the newfangled Adobe Spark. I made up an invitation for the upcoming “Summer 2018” exhibition over at the Austin Art Space. The…

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Opportunity Weekend – July 6th 2018

I was just about to post something along the lines of being all out of puns when it hit me. Since this is a picture of a restaurant, I can tell you here are some…

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Independence Day

It’s Independence Day here in the ‘States so I thought it would be fitting to show you what remains of some fireworks, of sorts. This is actually remnants of the remains of burning incense at…

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Closing the Door on TV – How I am Going to Try to Cut the Cable and Actually Do Real Stuff Instead

Those of you who know me personally know that I have had my ups and downs with Time Warner Cable Company (now Spectrum.) Now, I will try not to bore you with the day to…

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