I was just about to post something along the lines of being all out of puns when it hit me. Since this is a picture of a restaurant, I can tell you here are some opportunities for you to eat up. Please excuse the dangling participle and pass the pepper, right? Here are this weekend’s opportunities:
- BWAC has a call for entries for their “Really Affordable Art $how.” This is juried by an Assistant Curator of MOMA in New York and is an all media show. You can find details at their link: http://bwac.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/rAAS-Prospectus_2018_5-13-2018.pdf
- The NEW NOW 2018 is seeking artwork from artists in Ohio. Details: http://www.artistsarchives.org/event/newnow-2018-call-for-entry/
- Click! Photography Festival has several calls for entries. One is called the “Solo Cup” and provides selected photographers a one person show. You can find the call for entries on their website: https://clickphotofest.org/call-for-entries/solo-cup/
- They also have a juried billboard exhibition: https://clickphotofest.org/call-for-entries/juried-billboard-exhibition/
- And a photobook exhibition with details here: https://clickphotofest.org/call-for-entries/photo-book-exhibition/
- Cape Cod Art Center has a call for their upcoming exhibition “Black and White.” This is for photographers and you can find more details at their link: https://capecodartcenter.org/online-competitions/
- Praxis Gallery has a call for entries for their upcoming exhibition exploring the theme “Found Objects.” This is for photographers and you can find out how to submit your work at their link: https://www.praxisgallery.com/calls-for-entry
- Gallery Main Street has a call for entries for “Assemblies.” This call is for 3-D or 2-D assemblage artwork. You can find more information on their website: https://www.cityoftyler.org/Departments/MainStreet/GalleryExhibits/GalleryExhibitInformationforArtists.aspx
- SE Center for Photography has a call for entries exploring the theme “The Altered World.” You can find details and entry information at their link: http://www.sec4p.com/altered-world/
- AINT-BAD has a call for photographic entries for their publication. You can find out how to submit your work for consideration at their link: https://www.aint-bad.com/calls-for-entry/entry/4594/?gvid=88874
- Specto Art Space has an all media call for entries exploring the theme “(un)INHABITED.” You can find more information and enter your work at their link: https://spectoartspace.com/uninhabited-prospectus
- The Jill Todd Photographic Award is open for submissions: http://www.jilltoddphotoaward.com/
- The Hariban Award is open for submissions. This award allows a photographer to travel to Koyoto and collaborate with master artisans to print collotypes of their work. You can find more information about the award, including how to submit your work here: http://benrido-collotype.today/collotype-competition/
- Social Documentary Network has a call for social documentary photography exploring the theme “Documentary in the Era of Post-Truth.” You can find details and submission information on their website: https://socialdocumentary.net/competition.php
- LightBox Gallery has a call for entries for “The Portfolios.” Details: http://lightbox-photographic.com/call-for-entries/the_portfolios
- A. Smith Gallery has a call for entries for “Forgotten.” Submit your work at the following link: http://asmithgallery.com/main-gallery-call-for-entry/
That’s a lot to chew on, so I do hope you get after it this weekend.
Until next time…
PS This restaurant was located at the top of the LongSheng “Devil’s Backbone” rice terrace area outside of Guilin, China. I actually ate there and the food was delicious.