Austin Visual Arts Association Summer 2018 Invitation

In the spirit of trying out something new, I thought I would try the newfangled Adobe Spark. I made up an invitation for the upcoming “Summer 2018” exhibition over at the Austin Art Space. The show is going to run from July 13th through August 4th and there will be an opening reception on Saturday July 21st from 5-7 pm. If you are in the Austin area and are so inclined, please feel free to pop on in for a peek. The Austin Visual Arts Association (AVAA) shows are quite fun, they usually end up being quite the party. I have a piece included in the show in case you could not guess from the invitation.

I’m not sure I dig all of the fonts on my invite here and I must confess Adobe Spark was especially slow on my computer. Having said that, I do kind of like the graphics they have and it was kind of fun giving it a try. I’m not sorry test drove it and now you can see my pretty (well, pretty to me) invitation.

In other news, I have joined the North Austin Pfotographic Society (link: In case you could not guess, the added “f” comes from the fact that they were originally a club meeting over in Pflugerville, Texas. They have since moved roots over to a more North Austin/Central type of location, and I thought they had a bunch of interesting guest speakers, so I signed up. I think I have gone to a meeting or two so far. They are doing a portfolio project which I might actually attempt, as I am really looking for an excuse (any excuse really) to shoot more. I’m not into the camera club “points” type of systems but I go for the guest speakers and the like. Let’s hope this club delivers on that front (so far anyway, they seem to be.)

I have some images to prep and now invites to send out tonight, so I’ll leave you with my Adobe Spark creation for today, rather than a usual image. Enjoy!

Until next time…

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