There’s a shiny new playground near me and I’m happy to share in my delight. Last weekend, I got invited on a photo walk. They were going to the Round Rock Public Library in Round Rock, Texas (where else would it be, right?) Now, I had been to this library before so I thought, eh, no big deal. As I read the meeting notice, it said something about, “the NEW Round Rock Public Library.” Ah, what’s with the new part? Hmmm.
Turns out the folks in Round Rock have built another public library. This one kind of behind where the old one used to be. Now, the old one was nice, don’t get me wrong, but I maybe would not want to do a photo walk there. It was not “photo walk nice,” rather it was just sort of “meh” in terms of architecture. But this new building? Oh, this new building is a treat. It’s a visual playground worth of exploration and lots of images.
For starters, it’s a large place with a parking garage built-in. The parking garage alone would make for a great photo shoot. Let’s just say I was getting visions of a model in a red dress and leave it at that. Then, as you walk in, there are courtyards, string lights, a modern glass building, and some giant lettering that says, “R-R-P-L.” All of this, mind you, is before you walk into the building. Once inside, there is a rooftop deck (complete with turf grass because, well, who doesn’t have a rooftop deck with turf grass these days?) wonderful stacks of books, a children’s floor, meeting rooms, lots of modern chairs, modern lighting, strange carpeting, elevators that glow, water fountains that are shiny, and wild corners where you can curl up with a good book. Phew! Safe to say I have a new playground of sorts. I still miss my model in a red dress, but wow, lots of stuff to keep me busy in there, for sure.
The funny thing too is that I was super late to the meetup. I didn’t get out of bed early because I was tired and so I got there just as most folks were going for a coffee break! I swear, I took one frame, one shot, and somebody walked up to me and said, “Oh, hi! We are going for coffee…” I almost didn’t make it inside! I went for coffee, chatted a bit, and then went back to photograph. (Note to self: next time set alarm for even earlier and get butt in gear on time.)
I still want to take a model in a red dress but, alas, maybe someday. Maybe some of these will wind up in my Texas collection over on Carol’s Little World as I add more images to it. Until then, here are some shots from my new playground, aka the Round Rock Public Library. Enjoy!
Until next time…