It’s Opportunity Time yet again. I know you missed it and I thought it was high time I brought it back. So much has happened, at one point I didn’t think I would be doing it again and yet here we go.
Some “back in the saddle” opportunities for you:
- If you hurry, you can make the Center for Fine Art Photography’s latest call for photography exploring the theme (Un)Natural Cycles: Air, Water, Land. If you are interested in entering what sounds like the “Navy SEAL” of photo exhibits, here’s your link: https://c4fap.org/call-for-entry
- Gormley Gallery has a call for photography called Parallax. This is a women’s photography exhibition and you can get details here: https://www.gormleygallery.com/opportunities
- Black Box Gallery has a call for Photo Shoot 2022, their open themed exhibition. You can enter your work on this page: https://blackboxgallery.com/Photo%20Shoot-2022%20CFE.html
- Art Fluent has a call for entry for their upcoming all media show exploring the theme Unity. You can find more information on their page: https://www.art-fluent.com/unity-prospectus
- SoHo Photo Alt Process. If you know, you know. Even if you don’t, you can read all about it here: https://www.sohophoto.com/2022/07/26/alternative-processes-competition-2022/
- Been to Cuba? You a photog? Hey, this one might be just the ticket. CubaSeen wants to see your work: https://cubaseen.com/submissions-06/
- Praxis is looking for In-Between Moments. You can get your inner in-between on by giving their page a visit: https://www.praxisphotocenter.org/calls-for-entry
- The Center for Photographic Art has a call for their upcoming International Juried Exhibit. Details here: https://photography.org/ije-prospectus-2022/
I hope that helps you get back in the groove and feel free to share the new/updated links to the Opportunity List, as things have moved around some but, hey, we’re still here and still sharing the opportunity love.
Until next time…