Sorry to be so self-absorbed on you today but I was recently interviewed by the good folks over at Canvas Rebel Magazine and wanted to share the results. They asked me about learning the craft of photography, a little bit about me and my work, about NFTs, and about social media in general. It’s a great little chat and I’m happy to share the results which also include some images of mine. You can check out the full interview here if you are curious. I’m always happy to do sit down interviews, especially in these days of COVID. It’s great to connect with folks, even if we still do a lot of this remotely. It just feels all that much better to connect.
In other news, I have secured some Euros for my trip. It always starts to feel “real” when you get the money. I usually try to get foreign currency in small bills so that I don’t have to spend a lot of time in the banks or currency exchange places and can just jump right in to enjoy my trip and start crafting images. It’s what I do, right?
Apart from this, also gearing up for a few local photo shoots. I so want to get out into the wilds again, it’s not even funny. I don’t know, something weird happens to me if I don’t go out shooting for too long. It almost feels like the universe just isn’t right in some odd way. Hopefully, all of that and more will get fixed with a good photo outing. The moment it clicks, right? (I hope you feel it too!)
Until next time…