Hi! It’s time for some opportunity weekend. Since we’re gearing up for a long weekend and it’s one of the last summer has to offer, I thought it would be good to post some opportunities.
- Artists Sunday is an art-focused shopping day the first Sunday after Thanksgiving. It follows Black Friday and Small Business Saturday, the day before Cyber Monday, the largest shopping weekend of the year. I have joined Artist Sunday as a participating artist, thanks to my new website: Carol’s Little World.com. You can join me if you’d like. This is a free opportunity and you can find additional details at their link: Artist Sunday.
- FPoint Collective Magazine is open for submissions: https://fpointcollective.com/magazine/
- PhotoPlace Gallery has a call for Photomontage: Constructed Reality: https://photoplacegallery.com/online-juried-shows/photomontage/
- Auburn Art Gallery has a call for their upcoming “Abstract” themed exhibition: https://www.auburnartgallery.org/exhibitions
- A Smith Gallery has a call for “trees” and “unique alternative processes.” You can enter one or both of these shows here: https://asmithgallery.com/calls-for-entry/
- Gallery 263 is accepting exhibition proposals: http://www.gallery263.com/artist-opportunities/exhibition-proposal-series/
- Covid Pictures is accepting submissions: https://covidpictures.org/submissions
- NY Center for Photographic Arts has a call for “Street Photography.” You can find details here: https://www.nyc4pa.com/street-photography
- LoosenArt has a call for “Diaries.” This is for photography and you can find entry information here: https://www.loosenart.com/pages/calls
- Fragmented Magazine is accepting submissions for their upcoming “Location” themed issue: https://fragmentedmagazine.com/submit/
- The Glasgow Gallery of Photography has a call for mobile art and photography called “Hang Up and Shoot.” You can find information about entry on their website: https://www.glasgowgalleryofphotography.com/phone-photography
- BlackBox Gallery has a call for “Dynamic: Shadow and Light.” You can get details on their page: https://blackboxgallery.com/Juried%20Photo%20Shows%20and%20Competitions.html
- All About Photo Magazine has a contest open exploring “Shapes.” Details on their site: https://www.all-about-photo.com/all-about-photo-contest.php?cid=18
- Life Framer has an upcoming competition themed “Humans of the World.” You can submit your work here: https://www.life-framer.com/enter/
- The Southeast Center for Photography has a call for their upcoming “Portraits” themed exhibition. Details on their link: https://www.sec4p.com/portrait-20-prospectus
That’s a bunch of opportunities for you to work with over the long weekend.
Until next time…
PS This image is available in my new shop at the following link: https://www.carolslittleworld.com/warehouse-open-edition-prints/art_print_products/hi-0141-2?product_gallery=82967&product_id=3368362
Carol’s Little World is now offering prints from this site. You can print on demand, select size and presentation options, and have work delivered right to your doorstep. See my Shop tab or Carolslittleworld.com for details.
Wow, that is a lot of opportunity. I have to laugh. I knew about Black Friday and Cyber Monday of course. I even knew about Small Business Saturday. Artist Sunday is a new one on me. Thanks for the heads up.
It is getting to be a bit much but I do think Artist Sunday is a good idea. Maybe they should combine it with Small Business Saturday to cut down on the noise, but it does seem like it would be a good idea to do something focused on small shops selling hand crafted items. Most of the Black Friday items are big box type stores so not really helpful.