Photo Friday: Circular

GlowBalls, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld.

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted a photo Friday entry. This week’s theme is “Circular.”

Do you know all of the meanings of the word “Circular?” From the wiki:

Circular may refer to:
* Circle, or something in the shape of a circle
* Flyer (pamphlet), a single page leaflet advertising an event, service, or product.
* Circular reasoning, also known as Begging the question.
* A circular letter is a letter written by a bishop and addressed to his clergy.

Wow. Who knew?

Well, let me give you a hint. The oddly glowing balls you see above? They aren’t exactly artistic representations of letters written by bishops addressed to their fellow clergymen. Just in case, you know, you were confused about any of that.

So now you know.

Until next time…



  1. mythopolis
    April 20, 2009 / 5:24 pm

    …also, circle as in to ‘circle’ the block looking for a parking space. Is a 3 dimensional circle a sphere? And what about tubular? And is there any particular reason why UFOs are round? So many questions, so little time! : )

  2. mythopolis
    April 20, 2009 / 5:29 pm

    What’s interesting about circling the block, is that blocks are square! If you literally circled the block you would have to jump the curb at each corner (round the corner) and likely might run into a few pedestrians along the way. : )

    WV: “fanca”….to which I say ‘yerwelcam’.

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