Happy Sunday everybody! I hope this Sunday finds you doing well. I have been busy as usual, prepping for my next round of shows and sending more stuff out, but, as you know, still try to make time to post because it’s Sunday.
Why busy? What have I been doing? For starters, I found out that I have one of my Polaroids from my London series accepted into the next gallery show over at Studio 2 Gallery. The show is going to be called “A Passion for Polaroid II” and is going to celebrate, what else? Polaroid Film. Yeah. (Oh how we love Polaroid film here at Carol’s Little World.) I’m very excited about the show and am now prepping for it. I’ve said it before, and I’ll probably say it again, but there’s just something so magical about those Polaroids and, I must admit, the ones I did from London really are some of my favorites, so I’m really looking forward to this show (not to mention there looks to be some great work in it.)
I have been asked to submit some of my black and white work to an upcoming review. I never know how to feel when somebody asks me to submit something. I mean, I guess I should be flattered, right? They are inviting me to submit work and, typically anyway, when you get invited into something, they usually take you at the door, but it always feels a bit odd. I always feel a bit like, “well, why are you picking on me when there’s so much stuff out there?” Anyway, maybe because of the sudden interest in things black and white, I decided today’s image should follow. Here’s one shot in Santa Fe, New Mexico, I hope you enjoy it
Alex, my favorite model, is vacationing in Canada (snowboarding or skiing, I’m told.) Here’s hoping she has a ton of fun and gets in one last cruise down that mountain before spring hits. Yay! Go, Alex, go!
I hope you are having a nice, maybe crazy, day where you are.
Until next time…