Today is a holiday in the US. It is Labor Day.
I don’t know much about the Labors but, I guess, we celebrate their heritage every year, come early September. They were a hard-working lot, I’m sure, who settled here in the days of the early pioneers. They hunted, they gathered, they shopped (Lord knows, we know they shopped) and they built houses, and boats, and trains and cars and traveled around until they all scattered to the wind, settling in Labor camps around the globe.
What’s that you say? There were no Labors? Ha! That’s right, there were no Labors. At least, not today. For today is the day, we, well, WE HAVE A FREAKING DAY OFF.
Yay! Woot Woot! Horrah!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m late for putting my feet up in a nice, comfortable chair. And, if there’s Labors around, well, I ain’t looking at ’em.
Until next time…