Stig-ism Number 268

Some say he eats all of his vegetables. Some say he prefers fuel-injected asparagus over unleaded peas any day. All we know is…he’s called The Stig

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Stig-ism Number 317

Some say he’s quite wealthy because he invested early in oil futures. Some say he can’t get his money from the bank, however, because he keeps slipping the tellers notes that read, “…in small unleaded…

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Stig-ism Number 192

Some say he has a pet wallaby, which is actually a rhinocereous in a clever disguise. Some say, though he’s never been to Oz, his favorite fruit is in fact the kiwi. All we know…

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Stig-ism Number 267

Some say he uses only the finest in shampoos, conditioners, and hair gels, to keep each and every single strand of his hair in place. Some say, “you idiot-that’s a helmet.” All we know is…he’s…

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Stig-ism Number 453

Some say, because of his propensity to stand with his arms folded, he’s never actually done the Macarena but he can do a mean bunny hop if the music’s right. Some say that makes him…

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