It was a long time ago, but one of my favorite long running topics was my complete lack of ability to get myself anywhere near a grocery store. It happened one day, honestly it did. To this day, I still don’t know what started it or, for that matter, what ended it. I do know it was quite funny for a spell. We all had a good laugh while it was going on that’s for sure.
“Day 9-Don’t feel like cooking and very busy tonight. Pizza dude, you there?”
It’s not that my grocery store is bad, no, don’t get me wrong. In fact, I love my grocery store. It’s right nearby, it has a lot of fresh items, a fabulous bakery, and a decent collection of salads and produce. In fact, I’d go so far as to say my grocery store is pretty darn likeable.
So, why I am so adverse to getting my booty over to the boutique of foodstuffs?
“Day 13-Oh look! A can of soup! Non-perishable food items, oh how I love thee, let me count the ways.”
Maybe I suffer from some weird childhood trauma where I was left in a grocery store or like stuffed into the frozen foods section? That sounds like a good working theory, trouble is, I would probably remember that. Nope, that’s not it.
Day 14-The cow that gave the milk on day one is now a steak but, unfortunately, we have none of that “steak” business in our freezer. Nope, there’s too much film in there. Gee, I wonder if I could eat a Polaroid… (ponders chewing plastic.)
Hate to say it but lately I’ve gotten another case of the “shopping day blues.” I just don’t want to go. Grocery store today? Nope, not having it. There’s always tomorrow! Although, frankly, that’s not looking too good either. Even after I am reminded of how badly this ended last time (ahem, frozen raspberries and dead toast have entered the chat) I still just can’t bring myself to get my booty over to the market.
Now, I’ve still got a selection of items to eat and, truth be told, I could probably go another week without stocking up, but it really does make me wonder why I do this sometimes.
Grocery store be damned, for I am taking up residence on the couch today!
Until next time…