It was One Heck of a Gigantic Cream Puff

I admit it. When it comes to French pastries, I don’t know my Religieuse from my Madeleines. Don’t get me wrong, I love these pastries as much as the next connoisseur, I just don’t know…

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Chasing Beautiful Light, Finding Dragons

This weekend is the annual “Chase the Light” fundraiser. For those who don’t know, this is an annual fundraiser held by Photographic Center Northwest (PCNW.) It’s called “Chase the Light” because photographers who participate all…

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Chinese Food

 When I speak about travel to China, one of the questions that frequently comes up is, “What was the food like? Does the food in China taste anything like the stuff we call Chinese food?”…

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Chinese Wet Market

With COVID-19 (Corona) being in the news a lot lately and speculation that this outbreak started in a wet market in China, I thought it might be a good time to share a few images…

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Happy Holiday Season, Y'all

IcedTeaLemons_1900, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld. It’s the holidays, and I’m taking a bit of a break. I’m registered for an artist summit and have been listening to some handy dandy podcasts. I’ve also been getting…

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