
Went for margaritas and Tex-Mex for lunch today. Yum! Lupe’s Cantina had it going on. Yeah, I know…pics or it didn’t happen. Here ya go! Until next time… – Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone…

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Back to the Studio

HummusCelery_1849, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld. I must confess…I have always wanted to setup and run a small photography studio. By that I mean setup a couple of lights, maybe a few softboxes, and have a…

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ChickenSaladSandy_1853, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld. Today’s post: more food photography coming your way. Good eats = good shots, eh?

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More Food For Thought

ChickenSaladSandy_1853, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld. Hey, that’s a great title, isn’t it? Too bad I don’t have a fantastic blog post to go with it! Funny enough, I’m just checking in, since I’ve been busy…

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Food Photography

Pears_1806, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld. Went to a workshop today at my local camera store on food photography. I have to say I loved it! Had so much fun. Got to play around with some…

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