Hammer Time

My latest newsletter is up! This month, you can read all about what Ginger Rogers really thinks about black and white film, blues music in Iceland, a photography diversity panel and there are some great artist opportunities to check out if you are so inclined. Here’s a link for the curious: https://mailchi.mp/carolslittleworld/blackandwhitemay2021

This is a close-up details of Iceland’s opera house. Also called “The Hammer” the ceiling of the building is made of the glass panels you see here. They make wonderful shapes and patterns–an abstract photographer’s paradise, for sure. One could sit there for hours and just capture lots of abstract shots like you see here. 

This image is available on Carol’s Little World at the following link: https://www.carolslittleworld.com/warehouse-open-edition-prints/art_print_products/hammerdesignpattern-5123-2x-2s?product_gallery=102123&product_id=4057078

Until next time…


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