Chase the Light


It’s that time of year again! Yes, friends, it’s time for Photographic Center North West’s (PCNW’s) annual “Chase the Light” fundraiser. Unlike those pesky Girl Scouts, I won’t ask you to “cookie,” instead, my annual fundraising involves, well, a camera.  The way it works is actually pretty simple. First we register with the good folks at PCNW who organize, setup, and print the entire thing (thanks, PCNW folks. *Waves*) Then, on the designated weekend, we go out and do what we do best: we shoot. The event kicks off with a 48-hour photoshoot where people around the globe make images at the same time. Each participant then submits five images to a panel of jurors (actually this year it’s quite an esteemed panel of jurors) who pick the images. The selected images are included in an online pop-up exhibition and print sale. This year, the print sale is to be held on June 19th. As part of the event, some images are going to be projected onto a building in downtown Seattle. 
It’s all a lot of fun. This year, it was even more special, as I was able to get out and visit the Water Gardens for a spell, in order to take my images. It was so fantastic getting out again, let me tell you. Phew! It was great to be outdoors on a couple of nice days, for sure. If the fun of getting out into the world again were not enough, the money raised from the print sale and auction goes to a good cause. 
You can see my final round-up here. Details for my images are:
“Orange” – I took this on Saturday, it was one of the earlier shots actually. They had some great flowers at the garden center but this one really stood out for me. The color was just amazing: orange, indeed. 
“Swirls” – This is a detail of some pottery at the Water Gardens. I must confess, I have never seen the pottery looking so good. They had some amazing pots for plants.
“Two Heads with Pottery” –Sunday, at the end of the day, when the shadows grow long, I managed to spot this potter’s bench, complete with Buddha heads, pots, and great light. Lucky me! 
“Nature’s Symphony” –Ah, the sweet, hidden world of macro photography. How I love thee, let me count the ways?!? This is a macro detail of a plant from the bogs. 
“Dr. Seuss’ Houseplant” –I don’t know why but, for some reason, this plant reminded me of something out of a Doctor Seuss storybook, so I used the name. It was a very unusual plant, one I had not seen around the nursery recently. 
Now, I don’t know which image they will select but I thought I would post the entries and let you decide which one you might pick if you were in their shoes. By sharing like this, I hope I give some folk insight into the process. 
Which image would you pick? Which image do you think they will pick? 
The final selection will be revealed on Saturday, June 19th. 
Until next time…

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