Today’s image is a single image of a water flower. I’ve been working on a bit of a series called the “Borrowed Garden.” The idea behind a borrowed garden is that the garden is not my own. It’s a place I love to visit but, alas, can never call home. Not my own garden, I photograph there when I can. The best part of a borrowed garden is that it can be shared among a lot of people. This is true in the case of my garden, as a lot of people tend to hang out there. It’s a water garden but also has a lot of flowers and even some trees.
I like the idea of a single blossom for flowers. It’s just one flower, all by its lonesome. Nice and content, hiding out in the borrowed garden for all to see. These soft pink water flowers make for a lovely view in a pond.
I hope you get to spend some time in a garden, be it a borrowed one or one of your own. Even if you don’t have water flowers to attend to, spending time in the garden can be a relaxing treat, something we all could use a bit more of these days. Yes, lately it seems the borrowed garden is a place I really want to be.
Until next time…