Opportunity comes in colors for you this week. Here are some opportunities for you:
- There are a few open portfolio review slots available at Fotobiennalen 2018. This is an online portfolio review that you can sign up for on their website: https://www.portfoliodialogue.com/fotobiennalen-2018
- Gallery Ring has an open call for an online exhibition. This is a 2D media showcase and you can submit your work here: https://www.galleryring.org/prospectus.html
- PhotoPlace Gallery has a call for “Travel: Places and Faces.” Enter your work here: https://photoplacegallery.com/juried-photo-exhibits/travel-places-and-faces/
- Monterey Peninsula College Art Department is accepting exhibition proposals. You can find more information at their prospectus site: http://www.mpc.edu/home/showdocument?id=13907
- Lightbox Photographic Gallery has a call for entries exploring the theme “Odd.” You can enter your work here: http://lightbox-photographic.com/call-for-entries/odd
- FIX Photo Awards are open for submissions. Enter your work here: http://www.lauraannnoble.com/fixphotofestivalawards/
- Las Laguna Gallery has an all media call for entries for their upcoming exhibition commemorating Day of the Dead. Enter your “Dia de Los Muertos” themed artwork at their website: https://www.laslagunagallery.com/2018-bringusyourdead
- The Aperture Photo Book awards are open for submissions: https://www.picter.com/aperture/photobook-awards-2018
- Lensculture Emerging Talent Awards are open for submissions: https://www.lensculture.com/photo-competitions/emerging-talent-awards-2018
- AFAR Travel Photography Awards are open for submissions: https://www.afar.com/travelphotoawards
- A free (no entry fee) all media International Art Festival offers up a way to potentially show your work in Chelsea, NY. Details at their link: http://newartfestival.com/
- The Rebecca Vassie Trust Memorial Awards are open for submissions: https://rebeccavassietrust.org/
- Want to exhibit your artwork in Croatia? If Zagreb is calling your name, you can submit your work to the YICCA Art contest here: https://yicca.org/
- Why Do You Create? Is looking for submissions. This is all media and you can find details at their link: http://acreatorscollection.com/home/submission-instructions/
- Saint Peter’s Church has a call for photography exploring the theme “Hidden Nature.” You can find details and information on how to submit your work here: http://www.stpetersphila.org/hidden-nature-photography-exhibit/
- Gallery 25N has an open call for work. This is an all media call. Details: http://art-competition.net/registration/registration.cfm?artcontest=Open_2018
- The Center for Photographic Art has a call for their upcoming juried exhibition. You can enter your work here: https://photography.org/event/2018-international-juried-exhibition/
That’s a bunch of calls to get after so go on, get some.
Until next time…