If you are a photographer or artist in search of galleries, publications, and the like where you can showcase your work, I present a fairly regular column called “Opportunity Weekend.” The idea being these opportunities are posted over the weekend for you, so that you can send your work out and into the hands of folks looking for new work. I’ve had a few newcomers to the blog recently so I thought it best to explain things again, in case you were not following all along. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, here are some opportunities for you this weekend:
- Texas Tech University has a call for entries for the 18th Annual High and Dry. This exhibition is open to photographers and explores the theme of “people and places of the world’s dry lands.” For more information, you can checkout their website: http://www.depts.ttu.edu/international/events/2018/highdry.php
- Blank Wall Gallery has a call for entries exploring the theme “Abandoned Buildings.” This is free to enter and you only pay if you get selected. You can find more information on their website here: http://www.blankwallgallery.com/calls-for-entry/
- The YICCA International Contest of Contemporary Art is open for submissions. This is an all media call and is a prize based in Zagreb, Croatia. You can find more details on their link: https://yicca.org/
- Last call for Photo Place Gallery’s “Travel: Faces and Places” exhibition entries. You can submit your work here: https://photoplacegallery.com/juried-photo-exhibits/travel-places-and-faces/
- Las Laguna Gallery has an all media call for work exploring the theme “It’s Political.” Information at their link: https://www.laslagunagallery.com/2018-its-political
- Praxis Gallery of Photographic Art has a call for “The Portrait.” Submit your work at their link: https://www.praxisgallery.com/calls-for-entry
- A. Smith Gallery has a call for photography exploring the theme “Light.” Entry details at their link: https://asmithgallery.com/main-gallery-call-for-entry/
- Pochino Press is open for submissions exploring the theme “Ancestors, Place and Memory, The Land Lives Forever.” You can find details, including how to submit your work, at their link: http://pochinopress.com/ancestors-place–memory.html
- Dek Unu Magazine is open for submissions. Details here: https://www.dekunumag.com/submit
- Lightbox Gallery has extended the submission deadline for “Odd” until September 11th. You can enter your work at their link: http://lightbox-photographic.com/call-for-entries/odd
- Does your work challenge the stereotype of disabled persons? If so, you can enter for photography into the upcoming “THIS-ABILITY” contest. Details at the following link: https://www.photocontestinsider.com/2018/08/this-ability-photography-contest/
- The Jill Todd Photographic Award is open for submissions. Details: http://www.jilltoddphotoaward.com/about/eligibility
- Lensculture’s Emerging Talent 2018 Awards have been extended. You can enter your work at their link: https://www.lensculture.com/photo-competitions/emerging-talent-awards-2018
- Marin MOCA has an all media call for entries exploring the theme “Memory and Perception.” You can find entry details at their link: https://marinmoca.org/core/files/marinmoca/uploads/files/Memory%20%26%20Perception%20Prospectus%20Final.pdf
- The SE Center for Photography has a call for entries exploring the theme “Fauna.” You can enter your work here: https://mailchi.mp/sec4p/call-for-submissions-fauna-777017?e=[UNIQID]
- Photo Independent is now accepting applications for their upcoming Los Angeles and Paris art fairs. Details and entry available at their link: http://photoindependent.com/
- Gallery 25N has an open call. Details: http://art-competition.net/registration/registration.cfm?artcontest=Open_2018
- The Aperture Magazine portfolio prize is open for submissions: https://aperture.org/entry/
- The Woven Tale Press Photography competition is open for submissions. Enter your work at their link: http://www.thewoventalepress.net/art-competition/
- The Center for Photographic Art has a call for entry for their upcoming 2018 Juried International Photography Exhibition. You can find entry details at their link: https://photography.org/event/2018-international-juried-exhibition/
- The Flower City Arts Center has a call for entries exploring the theme “Family Photographs.” You can find details including entry information at their link: https://www.rochesterarts.org/opportunities/
- The ND Awards are open for submissions. You can submit your work here: https://ndawards.net/
- The New York Center for Photographic Art has a call for entries exploring the theme “Summer.” You can find entry details and submit your work at their link: https://www.nyc4pa.com/humans-2018
- The LA Photo Curator has a call for entries exploring the theme “Confronting Mortality.” You can find details and entry information at their link: http://www.laphotocurator.com/current-call-for-entry-confronting-mortality-curator-jane-szabo-deadline-to-enter-september-26-2018
- The Pennsylvania Center for Photography has a call for entries for their upcoming “Transformation 2018” exhibition. Details and entry information at their link: http://www.pacenterforphotography.org/transformation-prospectus/
- Grosse Point Artist Association has a call for entries (all media) exploring the theme “Cars and Trucks 2018.” Entry details at their link: https://grossepointeartcenter.org/calendar/#!event/2018/9/26/cars-trucks-2018
- Perkins Center for the Arts has an Open Media Juried Exhibition call. You can find details at their link: http://perkinsarts.org/event/perkins-center-fall-annual/
That’s a lot of great opportunities this week. I hope you get out and get some.
Until next time…