Even a delicate flower can leave its mark on the world. If you’re ready to leave your mark, here are some opportunities that might be ready for you:
- Photographic Center North West runs “The Long Shot” every year. It’s now open for registration. You can find out more on their website: http://pcnw.org/support/longshot/
- Camelback Gallery has an online juried painting exhibition “Flowers.” You can find more information at their link: https://www.camelbackgallery.com/flowers-painting-competition
- BWAC has a juried exhibition exploring the theme “Material Matters: Breaking with Tradition.” This is an all media show and you can find more information at their link: http://bwac.org/2018/04/material-matters-breaking-with-tradition-2018/
- NAVS all media show “Art for Animals” is open for submissions. Details: https://www.navs.org/special-programs/art/#.WxS1gakkrwc
- St. Augustine Art Association’s Nature and Wildlife 2018 exhibition is open for entries. Details at their link: http://www.staaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Nature-2018-Guidelines.pdf
- Shots Magazine is looking for “Forces of Nature” for their next publication. This is a photography call and you can find submission details at their link: https://shotsmag.com/pages/submit
- Fusion Arts has a call exploring the theme “Skies.” This is an all media call with special awards for specific media and you can find more information on their website: https://fusionartps.com/2nd-skies-art-competition-july-2018/
- Somerville Toy Camera Festival has a call for entries. If you are a toy camera or lo-fi shooter, you can find entry information and details at their link: http://www.somervilletoycamera.org/call-for-entries/
- Colors of Humanity Art Gallery has an all media call for their upcoming “Black and White” exhibition. You can find more information at their link: https://www.colorsofhumanityartgallery.com/Black-White-2018/Black-and-White-2018-Prospectus-and-Entry/n-ccfTFM
- FotoFever Paris has a call for entries for young talent 2018. Details: http://www.fotofever.com/files/file/YTPP_R%C3%A8glement%202018(2).pdf
- Praxis Gallery has a photography call for “The Telling Image.” Entry information at their link: https://www.praxisgallery.com/calls-for-entry
- The Los Angeles Center for Photography 2018 Member’s Exhibition is open for entries. Details: https://lacphoto.org/call-for-entries/members-exhibition/
- New York Center for Photographic Art has a call for entries for their upcoming exhibition “Humans.” Entry information is available at their link: https://www.nyc4pa.com/
- The Bath House Cultural Center has a call for entries of the theme “Revived with Light.” They are specifically looking for images crafted with expired photographic media. More details and submission information at their link: http://bathhousemedia.com/expiredfilm/
- The Print Center’s 93rd annual international competition is open for entries. This call covers photography and printmaking mediums. You can find more information including entry details at their link: http://printcenter.org/100/93rd-competition/
- All About Photo Magazine is looking for “Faces” for their next publication. You can find submission information at their link: https://www.all-about-photo.com/all-about-photo-contest.php?cid=3
- The 10x10xTieton is open for submissions. This call is an all media but size restricted call, featuring work that is under 10×10 inches. You can find more details at their link: http://www.mightytieton.com/events/2018/3/12/10x10x10xtietoncallforentries
That should be enough opportunities for you to leave you mark. Good luck!
Until next time…