Let’s take a peek at some opportunities for you this weekend, shall we? Here are some things you might want to check out:
- Feature Shoot is running something called the “Print Swap.” Basically, you tag an image on Instagram and, if selected, your image could be included in an exhibition or swapped for another print that was tagged as well. Details: https://www.instagram.com/p/BZ4SBmKBByo/
- AntoNova Gallery has a call for entries with the theme “Geometric.” To enter: https://www.antonovagallery.com/geometric
- ArtFCity is looking for now defunct art spaces as part of their call, “We are SO not getting the security deposit back.” (Editor’s note: this might be my all time favorite name for a call ever.) Details: http://artfcity.com/2016/06/07/call-for-submissions-we-are-so-not-getting-the-security-deposit-back-a-guide-to-defunct-artist-run-spaces/
- Creative Quarterly has a call for entries. Details: http://www.cqjournal.com/callforentries
- SE Center for Photography has an open call for work. To submit your work: http://www.sec4p.com/open-prospectus/
- PhotoPlace Gallery has a call for entries exploring the theme “The State of America.” To enter your work: https://photoplacegallery.com/the-state-of-america/
- New Orleans Photo Alliance has a call for entries, CURRENTS. Details: https://photonola.org/call-for-entries-currents-2017/
Best of luck getting your work out there and getting after it.
Until next time…
PS This one taken at the Austin area ghost town, Canon 5DS with the walkabout lens.