Dia De Los Muertos/Day of the Dead – Viva la Vida

Went to Viva La Vida today, which is the Dia de los Muertos parade in downtown Austin. One of the photo groups in town sponsored a photo walk there and they were invited to shoot in what was called the “staging area” or the place where the parade participants all setup and put on the makeup and such. It was a lot of fun. Lots of interesting shots, met a lot of fun people, had a good time. Weather was perfect today too, a bit hot at times (the sun! the sun! Will autumn ever get here?) and we had some of that blasted out Texas light at times, in between the clouds but, overall, a really great day.

It’s a very family oriented event and so I wound up shooting a lot of kids. Those of you who know me know I don’t always shoot kids. Well, sometimes, but I’m not any kind of “Mommy blogger” type. I like kids that are doing funky things, or kids, like this, that are wearing costumes or are just sore of more “colorful” than your average rug rat. All well and good, as the parade and it’s corresponding “staging area” provided me with a lot of that. Lots of color, lots of hats, makeup, fun stuff to go around.

I hadn’t planned on going to this event but wound up getting invited and decided to go at the last minutes. Those of you who know my work know that I’ve shot a little bit of Day of the Dead themed work before-I shot some in Santa Fe a long time ago. Didn’t do much work but wound up getting paid for some of it as I got promptly contacted by a news organization and wound up selling some of it. Eh, that’s old news. This year, I just enjoyed myself and added to the “muerto” pile as it were.

More dia shots to follow but that’s the basics. I hope you have a wonderful Halloween, a glorious Day of the Dead, a fantastic All Saint’s Day, and you happily enjoy whatever else it is you might celebrate this time of year.

Until next time…

PS This was the 5DS with the walkabout lens. Lots of walking about today so used only that. Oh, and some iPhone work but that’s different.

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