Hey, that’s a great title, isn’t it? Too bad I don’t have a fantastic blog post to go with it!
Funny enough, I’m just checking in, since I’ve been busy and have not had much time to post. I’ve actually been working on my house a bit, trying to get the studio in order, trying to do a bunch of stuff before Thanksgiving. My plans are, for the rest of the year actually, to try and clean up, clear out, and gear up for January, when I will start shooting some major projects again. I’ve got some plans and I want to get everything setup and ready to go so that I can just bang it come the new year. I know everybody always says that…everybody always has New Year’s Resolutions and all…everybody always turns over a new leaf come the new year and whatnot, but that’s what I’ve actually been planning for a while now. Trying to get the house in order, get everything setup, so I can just rock it.
The new shelves have come and were installed. Yay! I still have some tweaking to do in there, then I will fill, fill, fill them up. I got a new chair for that room too, and that’s already in place. Waiting on a desk lamp and a chair for my front room, my “main” Photoshopping desk area. I ordered a super fancy “Stressless” chair from Norway (yes, they come on wheels!) for that room, in custom leather. It’s actually going to be custom made and get shipped in from Norway just for me. Wow! Yeowza on that one, eh? (I feel so special.) Of course, this means I have to shovel out that room before it actually gets here and all of that. Been making progress on this front some but have *a lot* to do still. All that and then there’s the garage. (There’s always the garage. Ah, *sigh* the garage. Somebody, please save me from the dreaded garage?!?)
Shovel, shovel, shovel. Someday this too will be done.
Until then, why, here’s more photography of food stuffs. Looks yummy doesn’t it? (Well, heck, it beats the garage but then again *anything* beats the garage!)
Until next time…
You sound ambitious. For me cleaning off my desk is a continuing project as I keep filling it up…lol!