Hello Irene, Goodnight Carol

OperaHouse_3272, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld.

So I guess there is a hurricane in New York City. In case you have not heard the news, New York is on some kind of mandatory shutdown, with high winds, tornado warnings, and the like. I hope all of my New York friends and family are all doing well, batten down those hatches, gear up and survive, folks, we count on you in times like these.

As for myself, I’m in Iceland. Original plans called for me to go downtown again, but it’s kind of raining and appears to be cold outside, not to mention we’re still working out revised travel plans and all kinds of logistics, so I might wind up staying around the hotel today.

It’s very nice to be back at the Grand Hotel here. It’s a wonderful hotel and I really like it. Feels like home and that’s really hard to do when your continents, climate regions, and time zones away from home but, I guess, they work that magic somehow.

If we do get outside again (not saying we will mind you, just that we might. Yeah, I know it’s hard to keep up with a fast-moving pack of photographers. Do please try, as we usually serve cocktails at the end of this carnival ride) we just might wind up at this place. It’s a wonderful location to shoot and, frankly, it would be nice to shoot it again, this time without all of the people.

I do like doing these sort of cloud people, so I actually didn’t mind the mobs of masses moving through my shots when I was there last time. It might be kind of nice to shoot it again, this time without any people at all. We’ll see if I can make it happen.

Right now, we’re more in the mood for staying around hotel and lounging. Catching up on sleep, uploading one of the many cards of spent compact flash and maybe taking a nap. We’re allowed to nap too, right? Hey, you wouldn’t know it from this trip but sleep is very under-rated these days. I like to get it every now and again just so I can pretend to dream, well, when I’m not doing that with a camera stuck to the front of my forehead.

I’ve charged the batteries just in case the rain lets up and I manage to muster up a burst of energy to get me from here to downtown, long enough to shoot the new opera house on the lagoon.

I could really use some additional little blurry houses too but I did already get some of those-promise to upload as soon as I can.

Right now, New York feels like light years away and I just want to be here now, enjoying a restful Sunday in the hotel relaxing. Yeah, I’m in a sleepy Sunday afternoon kind of a mood. If I had to call it, I’d say I was *really* missing the Sunday comics and a nice cup of tea right about now. That would so do the trick in more ways the one (the laptop is the next best substitute.)

I hope you’re enjoying the Sunday funnies wherever you might roam. Hurricane be damned, please have a relaxing Sunday if you can.

Until next time…


  1. Drew Derbyshire
    August 28, 2011 / 3:26 pm

    Be safe.

  2. Great Grandma Lin
    August 28, 2011 / 10:23 pm

    hi WE ARE in hosfos doing the emigration thing then off to the blue lagoon for two days-heading home on wed afternoon to seattle then las vegas. been a great trip. hope you've had fun too. nice to meet you-keep in touch

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