Bed Time

There’s the Rub, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld.

It’s almost time for bed. It’s a cold night tonight. The news keeps telling me how cold it is around the country. It’s 45 degrees in Key Largo, Florida. Now, I’m not in Florida, and I’m sure that 45 degrees is really cold, especially for somebody from Florida, somebody who is expecting it to be in the 70’s, but, somehow, I just don’t care. I’m going to cuddle up with my warm blanket, my little black dog, and a nice hot cup of chamomile tea. Maybe there’s a good movie on tonight, or maybe I’ll snuggle up with a good book instead, either way, it’s almost bed time.

Are you going to sleep well tonight? Stay out of the cold, cuddle up with someone you love or perhaps a good book? Were you thinking about watching a movie? Or maybe you prefer to eat bonbons and sit up in bed, cursing at the TV for not showing us anything interesting. Maybe you will be engrossed in an engaging fight on the sports channel or perhaps you’ll catch an old style film noir. Maybe Fred Astaire will dance across your TV set or you’ll catch a great detective show, with a grumpy old gumshoe who somehow manages to catch the villain despite being a grouch.

Yes, it’s a cold night tonight and it’s almost time for bed. I hope you sleep well tonight.

Until next time…



  1. mythopolis
    January 9, 2010 / 9:56 am

    3:30am. 7 degrees outside. My plumbing pipes are dripping so as to keep them from freezing. And, yes…I am watching too many movies! Cabin fever!!! Aaargh!

  2. Carol
    January 10, 2010 / 2:39 am

    It was 9 here this morning. By 9 am it was like 19. Funny thing, the temp. doubled and it was *still* under 20 degrees! Brrrrr.

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