Since it’s August now, and I’m feeling in the mood for it, I should tell you that this autumn, once again, I’m going to start the red leaf diaries.
What are the Red Leaf Diaries? You might be thinking, and, why, I’d be here to tell you.
Sometimes, in the autumn, when the mood strikes me, I go out searching for a red leaf. This might sound a bit odd, a bit lame, a bit, “oh, is that all?” but it’s not really. You see, Austin and the surrounding areas (where I live) don’t really get much of the traditional “fall foliage.” So, it naturally follows that, well, we don’t get many red leaves. But, it’s not just the lack of red leaves in the general vicinity, no the red leaf diaries are something a bit more than that.
It’s about the journey, not the destination.
It’s not really about the act of finding a red leaf, you see. It’s about my search for one. It’s about the quest, the travels, the hunt. It’s about where my trials, attempts, and meanderings take me and, perhaps more so about what else I happen upon along the way.
The way it works is, if I get to see it, if I happen upon it in the great hunt for my one, single, red leaf, you get to see it too. You get to see it and see pictures of it, and explore, right along with me, enjoying that quest, that thirst for all things autumn. And, if I should happen to come up dry, well, you too can share in my shortcomings. Yes, the red leaf diaries are all about finding autumn in the strangest and slightest of places-experiencing the change of season in the smallest of ways, and also of sharing that with you.
So, this year, once again, we’ll be “red leafing” it together. I hope you’re up for the trip and you enjoy the view along the way. It promises to be a fun, though at times, bumpy ride.
In other news, more topics for this week include the case for paint. Future topic alert-many of the recent “digital converts” who took to digital photography in the last few years are starting to, “get a little bored” with the media, maybe want to explore a bit more, and are now starting to paint. We’ll discuss that more in the posts to come, making the case for paint and comparing the role of the painter in the digital photographer’s toolbox.
Until next time…
Speaking of paint, would it be ok if I spray painted a leaf red? If so, I will be on it tomorrow.
It has to be a red leaf that I find "in the wild." Geesh, where's your sense of adventure? Have you been fighting with your Mac for too long again?
I'm loving the idea of the red leaf diaries! Maybe I'll do a variation on it here – the British Summer Diaries – heaven only knows what I'll find in search of that!
Oh, that sounds like a fun series. I'd love to see it!