Some upcoming shows to tell you about, along with some other news too.
For starters, Kathy, Scriber’s Web, and I have a show (went up today) at Amplify bank in Round Rock, Texas. It’s a new branch, out very near the Dell Diamond. It’s a small bank but an absolutely fabulous show-it really looks good. It will run until September, I think, so check it out if you are in the Austin (or Round Rock) area.
Next up, the 5×7 show from Arthouse will be traveling to Dallas. Look for it at Dunn and Brown Contemporary starting August 14th. I think it will be going to Houston after that-I’ll post more details once they are available.
Finally, in other news, tonight we had some of the coolest clouds I’ve seen in a while. They were brilliant, I tell you. Well, actually, I don’t have to tell you-I shot some for you to see. Beautiful black and white style clouds is how I would describe them-really quite a sight to see. So, I had to, I mean just had to, go out and burn some compact flash, just to share them with you. (I hope you like them.)
I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend, even if it does not involve any cool clouds of your own.
Until next time…
Drama in the sky, for sure. Congrats on recent and up-coming shows!
I'm actually loving this weather. Today's high was ONLY 94 degrees! Yay! And it was a cloud morning.
(Pictures to follow.)