Finish This

Stone House In Field, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld.

Here are some questions for you to ponder. Note that, in true Carol fashion, I have not actually phrased them in the form of a question. No, they are actually statements, phrases for you to finish for me. Hey, what can I say? You know I’m a lazy bugger….

* The world could really do without…

* I consider a complete week’s worth of groceries to include…

* The components that make up my hero are….

* If I got to choose my dreams, I would dream only about…

Then there’s also that one I always throw in about, you know, “if you were let loose in a Wal-Mart super center with an infinite supply of money but could only buy 3 items, what 3 items would you purchase?” but that’s a story that has already been told.

What? Go on….question the answer and answer the question already.

Until next time….
(Putting the W in WTF? any which way we can)



  1. Anonymous
    July 31, 2008 / 1:13 am

    * The world could really do without…


    * I consider a complete week’s worth of groceries to include…

    Shrimp and Crab meat

    * The components that make up my hero are….

    Brad Pitt

    * If I got to choose my dreams, I would dream only about…

    Brad Pitt


  2. Peruby
    August 1, 2008 / 10:59 am

    The world could really do without… Tom Cruise.

    I consider a complete week’s worth of groceries to include…pizza.

    The components that make up my hero are…my Mom.

    If I got to choose my dreams, I would dream only about…me kicking ass! At work, in life, anywhere. 😀

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