Suddenly Enchanted

5-ChurchTopTreeSky, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld.

Ok, so I just came back from New Mexico. Haven’t even finished uploading all of the compact flash from the trip. Barely over the laundry, in fact. So, what’s a girl to do?

Go back to New Mexico.

You read that right. I’ve plotted (with copious help from KathyV I might add-thanks, Kathy!) another trip to New Mexico-White Sands, in fact-next weekend.

Yes, my snowflakes, this Friday, this coming Friday, I’m going to make my escape, get out of allergy season, get back into the mountains, climb the high sand dunes in the Land of Enchantment.

Now, since this is merely a weekend excursion, and not a 10 day trek, I should point out that I am going to the ‘Sands, only to the ‘Sands, and noplace other than the ‘Sands. I’ll be flying into El Paso, TX and driving up to the ‘Sands on Friday, shooting Saturday and early Sunday, and returning late Sunday evening.

Hey, it beats staying in Austin and sneezing all week long, that’s for sure. See you in the land of the peppers. Before too long, anyway.

Until next time…


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