Come in, sit down, have a pint, let me tell you what I’ve been up to.
For starters, I finally got off my photographic duff and did some transfers. I must admit, I’m much happier with these transfers than I was with the first ones. They look a lot better. They are really getting close to what I want the transfers to look like, in fact, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that, if I can get them to come out this good regularly, I will exhibit them in the fall. I’m all nice and happy in transfer land these days. (Look for me to post some in the coming days.)
I have been thinking about “upping them a notch” and taking them to a slightly larger size, say 5×7 (I’m doing 4×6 now.) I might try that next, though I don’t think it much different in the process, it makes framing them quite different. I was envisioning them being framed small all along but I’m starting to think that a 5×7 can go to an 11×14 ok, where a 4×6 really needs an 8×10 frame. The smaller size makes it a lot harder to get a better price for them when you exhibit them too. (Recent trial and error research lends me to believe that 11×14’s are a very good size for selling. You can get enough of a price that you won’t go broke from all the time spent framing and yet they are still small enough that people can fit them anywhere in their homes. They also sell for a nice price, which doesn’t price you out of the market as much as, say, a 16×20.)
Apart from “almost bliss” in transfer-land, I’m going to set myself up to sell some prints online. I’ve found a website that will allow me to upload images and allow me to do a sort of “buy this now” type of thing. I don’t intend to make the blog turn into a sort “you may have already won. Click here to download. Buy this now, buy this now” kind of a thing, but I might start putting a “buy me” button on a few of my more popular images.
Apart from all the photographic “foo” going on, it appears that my TiVo has somehow broken itself. I no longer have a Season Pass. It’s odd because all of the existing season pass shows continue to record but I cannot seem to add a new one.
No season pass for me. What’s up with that?
So, how’s life from your barstool?
Until next pint…