Did I mention that Steve got a new TiVo?
Yeah, well, he did. And, he even made me promise not to stick pins into a voodoo doll shaped like this one. It’s a fancy, snazzy new HD $700 one too. Wow. Go Steve!
He said that his has been recording home improvement shows non-stop, since he got it. All day long, it’s Bob Villa this and Trading Spaces that. So far, it’s “virtually” put in a new sink, fixed the plumbing, gave him a new roof, and, um, landed him a hunkerly carpenter dude as a roommate. (And, um, if you believe that, I have some beach-front property in Arizona to sell to you-real cheap!)
All I can say is that he better freaking hope that Nicolas Cage doesn’t pickup a hammer.
Until next time…
OMG. I’ve been cheated! This model didn’t come with the hunkerly carpenter dude add-on…
Or maybe it did but, like, he ran off with Nicolas Cage. :~)