The Walking Dude

PriestWalking, originally uploaded by carolWorldLeader.

I went to the missions in San Antonio last Saturday, to take some pictures. I was fortunate enough to photograph a ballet folklorico group while I was there (think spinning dresses or check back in a few days to see what they look like.) That was a lot of fun, despite fighting the overly “blasted out” typical Texas midday light (hope you like shadows!)

I didn’t get any spectacular images from the folklorico folks, although I got a couple that are “passable.” I really liked this guy though, who I managed to “catch” as he was walking out of a wedding. I saw him walking, snapped, and then noticed his white socks.

I love those white socks. They really make the picture for me. There’s just something about them that does it for me. (Sure, the mission’s pretty too but, you just gotta love them socks, right?)

The missions are run by Jesuit priests, of which he is one, and serve as working churches for the local community. You can read more about them here.

Very pretty those missions are. And, they serve as a favorite spot to photograph, apart from keeping sinners from running adrift.

My car’s in the shop today getting new brakes so please forgive today’s shorter than usual and entirely less engaging (although quite “sock-erly”) journal entry.

Here’s hoping that I can “stop in” tomorrow for more.

Until next time…


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