This is from a “secret garden” we found on Sunday morning in the French Quarter. I think it was some kind of restoration home, that one could tour for a small fee. We happened upon the place on Sunday morning, when it was closed and they were watering the gardens. The sprinklers were on a bit, the light was overcast, and it was one of the more interesting finds from the trip. They had a maze garden, a fountain, as well as this statue and arbor setup.
Yesterday, a fellow I work with was chatting with me, and we happened upon the subject of focal rings, scale lines, and hyperfocal focus. I left the conversation thinking that, “well, I don’t need to know any of that anymore, now I mostly use the lensbaby and just squeeze now a days.” This shot reminds me why I was wrong.
Sure, it’s “soft” but it’s also “focused.” It’s possible for an image to be both-the subject matter and the lighting conditions make it appear “soft” but the sharpness of the lens, coupled with the selection of a sufficient focal plane, serve to make it “sharp.” Sometimes, if you are lucky, you *can* have your cake and eat it too.
This house was, I’m not making this up, across the street from a convent. (Yes, that kind of a convent and no, I didn’t see any nuns walking about. It was, afterall, sunday morning. They were probably all busy doing whatever it is that nuns do on sunday mornings, besides, of course, watering “secret gardens.”)
I’m not going to touch this, other than to say that, yes, I actually saw and took pictures of a convent. (It had a cool roof, with a cross on it, and the clouds were cool behind it, ok?)
In case you are wondering, yes, I stayed on the outside looking in (for the most part. :~)
Until next time…