Exploring a Private Courtyard Sanctuary in the French Quarter

Embracing the Courtyard Sanctuary: A Personal Ode to Vines, Statues, and Those Ever-So-Comfy Benches in the French Quarter Ah, the enchanting courtyards of New Orleans! Those magical spots where jazz wafts through the air, mingling…

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Happy Times! It’s Mardi Gras Week, Y’all

Hard to believe it but this past week was Mardi Gras week yet again. Tuesday was Fat Tuesday. Happy Fat Tuesday, y’all! I’ve been kind of busy and tied up with so many things, hardly…

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Stories of the City

There are many synonyms for the word “story.” A fable, a yarn, a tale, a narrative…the list goes on. There are many stories in some places. New Orleans is one of those places. There are…

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It’s the Last (GASP) Mail Order Before I Go

Today I put in what will probably become the last mail order (B&H order) before my trip. Oh, what an order it was too. For starters, my Internet was running very slowly tonight. My Firefox…

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A Carnival of New Lights

BlueAndOrange_5581, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld. So, recently I purchased some new lights for my home studio. I went out and got myself a set of Fiilex P360 LED studio lights. These are dense matrix LEDs…

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