More feathers today. These are some black tipped variety, they are a sort of reddish brown color by nature. Still on the feather kick for now, here’s more proof of that for you. Speaking of feathers and, well, props in general, I’ve been thinking about a couple of shots I want to setup next. I need to get some items before I can merrily shoot away. My list, as you might imagine, is odd and growing stranger by the day. I need some craft paper, a mad “Russian” style bomber hat, a jar full of those twinkle lights, a teacup, a bunch of books, some socks, and, of course, more feathers (always more feathers. I’m really on a feather kick these days, in case you could not tell.)
Bringing together all of these “odd” props has me thinking. It might be a great time to do a scavenger hunt. Now, when I say “scavenger hunt” I’m not talking about a standard style scavenger hunt here, no. I’m not talking about the “go out and shoot a mailbox” variety because, frankly, those just bore me. No, I’m talking a Carol style scavenger hunt here. Think about the ones the good folks over the Sketchbook Project did back a couple of years ago, you know the ones where they had items such as, “just a minute, just a second” and the ever so popular, “the space between us is small.” I think the most “normal” item on the list had to be a toss up between “wisdom” and the oh so concrete “ducks, lots and lots of ducks.” I really loved doing that project. It was a lot of fun, even if the damned, “just a minute, just a second” was tough to shoot for a photographer.
Now, I’m thinking about bringing this kind of project back. I’m thinking a scavenger list is in order. If there’s enough interest, I’m going to make the list and offer up a small prize. I was thinking maybe making it a “Mayday” scavenger hunt, and by that I mean, have the actual work be due in May. That would give us enough time to shoot and scratch our collective heads. Probably offer up a gift card for those who enter sort of a thing. Nothing major, just a small prize or two for being a good sport and all. I’ve already got a couple of ideas lined up for things we can hunt. As you might expect, they are not that ordinary but, hey yeah, it’s going to be a lot of fun. I mean, if you are searching for something out of the ordinary, this would be quite the project for you. (Think, “Ducks, lots and lots of ducks,” only with a few more moving parts or brain teasers thrown in for good measure.)
So, what do you say? Who’s in? If you are so-inclined, get with me. Either drop me a note here on the blog or follow the links to my email and let me know you want a piece of it. If there’s enough interest, maybe we could have somebody jury the lot and pick out the prize just, you know, for giggles and all. Aye Scallywags, we just might be a huntin’ soon enough. Who knows? Maybe one of the items will have something to do with biscuit eating after all.
Until next time…