I’m always happy to share show news with you. This week I was contacted by not one, not two, but three different people who informed me that this “Opportunity Weekend” series helped them get their work out there, secure some shows, and the like. Now, I usually share news of my shows (if you are not familiar with the places I’ve shown my work, you can check them out here) but this week I’m over the moon happy about being able to share this fact with you. I love, love, love hearing about shows you have gotten into and please do let me know if you have secured anything from reading this series. It helps make the journey for me all that much more valuable, knowing that I might have had a small part in helping somebody else out along the way. Congrats to all who have gotten their work out and, good news aside, here are some more shows you can get after this week:
- The SE Center for Photography’s exhibition themed “Fauna” is closing in one week. Details on how to enter your work here: https://mailchi.mp/sec4p/call-for-submissions-fauna-777069
- Loosen Art has a free call to entries for photographers exploring the theme “Shadows.” The exhibition will be in Rome and you can find details on their website: https://www.loosenart.com/pages/calls
- The AOP awards are open for entries. This one is for photographers and you can submit your work here: http://www.aopawards.com/
- The SE Center for Photography has an additional call for “The Natural Nude.” Details: https://mailchi.mp/sec4p/call-for-submissions-the-natural-nude-777073
- The SE Center for Photography has one last call for Black, White, and Monochrome. Link for this show is: https://mailchi.mp/sec4p/call-for-submissions-monochrome
- AAP Magazine has a call for “Shapes.” This call is for photographers and has been extended, details at their link: https://www.all-about-photo.com/all-about-photo-contest.php?cid=5
- LA Photo Curator has a call for “Self Portraits.” Submit your work on their website: http://www.laphotocurator.com/current-call-for-entry-self-portrait-curator-laurie-freitag-deadline-to-enter-october-27-2018
- A. Smith Gallery has a call for photography exploring the theme “Light.” Enter your work at their link: https://asmithgallery.com/main-gallery-call-for-entry/
- Los Angeles Center of Photography has a call for “The Creative Portrait.” Details: https://lacphoto.org/call-for-entries/creative-portrait-exhibition/
- Georgetown Art Center has a call for exhibit proposals for their upcoming 2020 gallery shows. You can submit your proposal at their site: http://www.georgetownartcentertx.org/call-for-exhibit-proposals/
- Black Box Gallery is looking for “Portraits” for their upcoming exhibition. Details and entry here: http://blackboxgallery.com/Portrait-Photography%20(2018)-CFE.html
- PhotoPlace Gallery has a call for “Fictional Narrative” work. Details and entry information on their website: https://photoplacegallery.com/juried-photo-exhibits/personal-narrative-2/
- The Exposure Photography Festival is now accepting submissions for their 2019 open call. Details: https://creativemanitoba.ca/job/exposure-photography-festival-alberta-calgary-call-for-submissions-2019-open-call-exposure-photography-festival/
- Alex Ferrone Gallery has a call for “Small Bites, Small Works 2018” a juried exhibition about food. This is for photography and you can find additional details here: https://www.alexferronegallery.com/small-works-2018/
- The Cultural Center of Cape Cod has a call for photography for their upcoming “Apertures 2018” show. You can find more information on their link: http://www.cultural-center.org/submissions-proposals/#submissions
- The Chelsea International Photography Competition is open for submissions. Submit your work here: https://www.agora-gallery.com/competition/photography
- The International Color Awards are open for submissions. Enter your work at their link: https://www.colorawards.com/how-to-enter.html
- Washington State University has a call for art for their upcoming exhibition themed “The Body.” This is an all media call and you can find how to enter your work here: https://finearts.wsu.edu/thebodyopencall/
- Lunch Ticket is open for submissions for writing and visual arts. Submit your work on their website: http://lunchticket.org/about/submission-guidelines/
- LHUCA has a call for “The Contemporary Portrait.” This is an all media show and you can enter your work here: http://lhuca.org/events/2018/8/14/contemporary-portrait-a-national-juried-exhibition
- If you work in video, submissions for 17 Days are open: https://17days.wordpress.com/submissions/
- Panopticon Gallery has a call for work for their upcoming “First Look” photography exhibition. You can submit your work here: https://www.panopticongallery.com/first-look-2019/
- Midwest Center for Photography has a call for their “Juried Exhibition.” Details: http://www.mwcponline.org/Midwest_Center_for_Photography/call_for_entries.html
That’s a bunch of entries for you to get after this week. I wish you the best of luck and please do let me know if you land anything so I can help spread the good news and cheer you on.
Until next time…
PS This one from the water gardens, last of the water lilies enjoying our overcast weather. Canon 5DS with a 100mm lens.