A couple of odds and ends for today. For starters, I found out I was nominated for a 2017 Black and White Spider Award. You can see the gallery of entries here: http://www.thespiderawards.com/12gala/index.php. I really love the Spider awards because the work is usually top quality. This really is the best of black and white photography so I would encourage you to have a look and even spend some quality time with this site. It’s wonderful.
Next up, a couple of opportunities for you:
- PhotoPlace Gallery has a call for entries exploring the theme “The State of America.” Details and to enter here: https://photoplacegallery.com/the-state-of-america/
- LoosenArt has a call for entries exploring the theme “Absences.” Details: https://www.loosenart.com/pages/calls
- Gallery25N has a call for entries exploring the theme “Red.” Details: http://art-competition.net/G25N_Red_2017.cfm
I think that should be a good enough hint as to where I’m at over the next couple of weeks. Safe travels and good light!
Until next time…
PS This one taken with the 5DS and the 100mm macro lens. The place I’m going is actually pictured on that 20 Yuan bank note.