Today is Nature Photography Day which is a day we’re supposed to celebrate all things nature and photographic. This is my take on nature: a cloudy sky with an otherwise blue sky day. When I think of nature a lot of times I think of clouds. When you get outside, when you really get out into the air and breathe and feel that cool wind on your face, there’s really nothing more natural to me than looking up admiring a cool sky full of clouds. There’s something quite fun about clouds too. People spot bunnies in clouds, At times, I’d guess, they spark our imagination.
I’ve been following a group of storm chasers over the past couple of weeks. Not actually following them, no, but virtually, sort of online. While the storm chase season is coming to a close, I was really in awe of some of the cloud photographs they captured this year. One shot in particular, somebody had gotten a great shot of a rotation near the town of Rugby, North Dakota. In case you don’t recall, that was the town we used as the basis for our trip last year to Dakota. It was pretty amazing to see the power of the clouds in a rotation like that. A tornado is quite a scary thing but it’s shocking to me how it can also be so very beautiful. That something so destructive could be so lovely when looked at that way. It’s just shocking to me. Shocking, a little bit mesmerizing, and kind of leaving me in awe of the beauty and power nature can bring.
Nature is like that. It can surprise us, shock us, leave us in awe, and sometimes just comfort us. Not to mention bunnies. Did I mention we see bunnies? Yeah, there were a lot of bunnies in Washington where I took this particular cloudy sky shot. Lots and lots and lots of bunnies. And, you know, a couple of real clouds too.
I hope you get to get outside and enjoy some of nature photography today, even if it’s just for a few moments.
Until next time…
PS This one taken with the Canon and the walkabout lens. Washington State has some fine looking clouds.